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Satsang – Union or Meeting for Truth

🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony

Hairakhan Babaji performing Yagna

Satsang (Union or Meeting for Truth)
by Atman Nityananda /book – es

The most potent means to keep practising regularly and effectively and be established in practice is Satsang. Just as we sit by the fire to warm the body, likewise to grow spiritually and keep the fire of spiritual aspiration strong we must be in the company of Self-realised sages.

Sages consider Satsang to be the most significant means for self-transformation, purification, inner development, dispelling of ignorance and Self-realisation.

In all the three worlds there is no boat like Satsang to carry one safely across the ocean of births and deaths. From Satsang comes non-attachment; from non-attachment comes freedom from delusion; from freedom comes self-knowledge; and from self-knowledge comes liberation even while living.
   ~ Adisankaracharya Q//

What does Satsang mean

The word Satsang is a combination of two words. Sat, which means Truth (Absolute Being, Brahman, God) and the word Sanga which means union or association. Therefore, the meaning of the word Satsang (Sat: Truth, Sang: Union or Association) is to be in union with Brahman (Consciousness, God) and established in Brahman.

Thus, the highest Satsang is to be in conscious contact with the Truth or God Consciousness within us, i.e., the silent space of Consciousness, and to be established in That. However, ignorance in the form of rajas and tamas (gunas) qualities, desire and ego prevent us from realizing and living in union with our true nature.

Since being in the company of the wise (Self-realized) helps us to realize the Truth (our true Nature) it is considered the most important type of Satsang. Therefore, it is considered Satsang to be in the presence of the enlightened or Self-realized ones, who live in conscious union with the Divine Consciousness, who are established in their Divine Self (which is identical to the Divine Consciousness, Atman, Brahman, God, silent presence within). The enlightened ones are also called Jnani and Jivanmukta.  Jnani means the knower of Truth (Pure Consciousness, Atman, Brahman, God) and Jivanmukta means the liberated one.

In the Indian spiritual tradition, Satsang is considered the most powerful means for spiritual transformation and Self-realization (enlightenment, liberation). After our spiritual maturity, the most important factor for our awakening is to live and practice in the presence of an enlightened being. If we are mature, in their presence, with a word, a look or a touch, the awakening and realization of our Divine nature can occur.

Enlightened beings powerfully radiate divine and sattvic vibrations. The luminous aura of a Self-realised sage can raise our consciousness and vibration and give us enormous help on our way toward purification, self-transformation and Self-realisation. Living in the presence of the enlightened ones is the most effective way to purify our mind and heart and awaken to our divine essence.

The enlightened ones, mainly by their presence, the divine vibrational energy they radiate and their elevated state of consciousness, and also by their guidance, help us to purify ourselves, to elevate our state of consciousness, to clear our doubts, to overcome difficulties and obstacles, to awaken to our true nature and to attain liberation.

However, living in the company of a realized sage does not mean that practice (sadhana) and disciplines are not necessary; rather, practice becomes extremely effective when practiced at the feet of a realized being.

More types of Satsang

Satsang is also considered a gathering of devotees in search of truth. Satsang refers to gatherings held by disciples or/and advanced or awakened practitioners to talk about the Truth, give instructions and practices aimed at achieving union with our true nature. It is also used for any meeting that has the purpose of exploring truth and awakening us to truth, regardless of whether this meeting is held in the presence of an enlightened, awakened or advanced practitioner.

When contact with enlightened, awakened or advanced practitioners is not possible, books are the best way to get in touch with higher vibrations and ideas related to truth and spiritual life in general.

The study is a type of Satsang

Studying books written by enlightened, or awakened ones that refer to our true nature and God and give us instructions and practices to awaken to our true nature is a kind of Satsang. Since enlightened beings are pure expressions of Divine Consciousness when we connect with them through reading their words, or repeating their names as a mantra we are connected to and strongly influenced by the divine vibrations they emit.

Whether or not we are aware of this process, their spiritual vibrations slowly permeate our energy field and mind and gradually purify and transform our minds and hearts and elevate our consciousness to higher levels of awareness.

The words of an enlightened being have the power to awaken us to our true nature. Although it is more powerful to be in the presence of a master and hear him speak directly than to read his words in a book, the power of his words, even through the books, is still great. When we read them, they have the power to transform us and awaken us to our true nature.

I have heard several people say that they awakened by reading Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s book ‘I Am That’. In my case also, the awakening happened while I was reading and reflecting on Sri Nisargadatta’s words in the book ‘I Am That’.

 The luminous aura of a Self-realised sage can raise our consciousness and vibration and give us enormous help on our way toward purification, self-transformation and Self-realisation

🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony